All In One Touchscreen IP CCTV SystemAn IP touch-screen monitor that connects easily to any network. In its unique user-friendly way, it manages live and recorded edge-to-edge video at the touch of a button. Whether hard-wired or Wi-fi, MPEG4, MJPEG or H.264, Quorum Touch is the latest development in point and play CCTV applications.
Bosch - The Ultimate Voice Alarm SolutionPraesideo is the worlds first fully digital public address and emergency sound system.
In an emergency, warnings and instructions must be clear and concise, and experience proves that in stressful situations and unfamiliar places, people are quicker to respond to voice alarm systems. Verbal instructions are now widely considered to be the most effective way of notifying occupants of an emergency and instructing them where to go, and recent research supports this: in an emergency, 13 per cent of people reacted to bells, 45 per cent to text and 75 per cent to voice.
Codestuff - Extending IP Video Systems over the Public InternetAs IP Security & Surveillance becomes commonplace on corporate IT networks, the ability to extend a systems reach beyond the company boundary to include off-site cameras and remote viewing clients becomes more and more appealing and can often help sell such systems.
The recent emergence of consumer broadband makes the Internet seem like the natural choice, especially when you consider that a 2Mbps ADSL connection can cost 10 times less than a leased line. However, the solution is not quite so simple.

Codestuff - Networked Digital VideoOn the surface, recording and replaying video seems such a simple task, and if thats all you want to do then it is a simple task. However, rarely in the CCTV world is this sufficient.
There was once a salesman who would persistently ask his engineering team why they had not produced an enterprise-grade recording solution for their IP video platform; "After all", he suggested, "isn't it just writing and reading the hard drive?"
We have frequently been asked the same question, although often in different guises. On the surface, recording and replaying video seems such a simple task, and if that's all you want to do then it is a simple task.
However, rarely in the CCTV world is this sufficient. You will most likely want to simultaneously view the stream as it is recorded, tag it with relevant information as events occur, and vary the length and storage requirements as it progresses.
Later on, during playback you'll want instant access to the recording at random points, be able to inspect it frame by frame, fast forward through event-sparse sections and stream it to remote clients.
Once you've identified a significant section then you'll want to export the relevant data, capture still images, create media files for viewing in standard video players, allow the export's origins to be authenticated, encrypt the data... the list of requirements goes on; and it often all needs to be done while still recording!
new push video•Easy Setup
Within a few clicks, EagleEyes will find the camera, finish IP configuration, forward ports, register a free AVTECH DDNS all automatically.
Once users want to change any configuration, they won't have to find a PC but to use smartphone to make it.
•Push Video
The camera instantly sends you a Push Notification which will playback a short recording of what it captured when detecting events.
•Evidence Backup
Each Push Video playback will be saved inside your smartphone as evidence. You can also store any clip you want for backup
The AXYS Intellivox rangeDigitally steerable, self powered, loudspeaker arrays.
The AXYS Intellivox range is the perfect solution to one of the most difficult problems facing modern sound system designers - designing an intelligible sound reinforcement/public address system for a large reverberant space.
The biggest challenge is designing a system which will have a high direct to reverberant sound ratio. In other words, we need to maximise the sound that arrives directly to the listeners ear, whilst at the same time reducing the sound
energy that bounces off walls, ceilings and other acoustically reflective surfaces.
The solution seems simple. However, in practice it is difficult to achieve this with conventional loudspeakers.
This is why Duran Audio developed the AXYS Intellivox range.
VCA TechnologyVCA Technology - Intruder Presence and Dwelling inside prohibited zone